
Bacterial Viral HEPA Filter at a Special Price!

We are now running a special offer on one of our most popular products: the bacterial, viral and hydrophobic HEPA filter with pleated membrane.

Bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) : ≥ 99.999989%.
Viral filtration efficiency (VFE) : ≥ 99,99985%.

The product REF F310H is available in sterile or clinically clean versions.

Incredible price of € 1.25 per piece while stocks last.
Packaging: Boxes of 100 pieces | Hospital price: € 4.96

Don’t miss this opportunity!

  • Description and intended use: Disposable bidirectional HEPA filter with hydrophobic pleated membrane designed for the protection of mechanical ventilators, anaesthesia machines, oxygen concentrators and other respiratory equipment.
  • Dead space: 52 ml.
  • Filter surface area: 290.4 cm2.
  • Weight: 40 g.
  • Connections: Machine side 22F/15M, patient side 22M/15F (EN ISO 5356-1).
  • Materials used: Thermoplastic polymers: PP; Other materials: Glass fibre filter membrane.
  • Latex- and phthalate-free.
  • Flow resistance (according to EN ISO 9360-1): at 30 l/min: 152.5 Pa (Max. 160 Pa) at 60 l/min: 318.5 Pa (Max. 350 Pa) at 90 l/min: 525.5 Pa (Max. 570 Pa)
  • Filtration efficiency (according to EN ISO 23328-1): Average penetration rate: 1.64% (@ 30 l/min. Particle size: 0.26 µm) - TR PMFT 1000 dd. 26.11.2020
  • Filtration efficiency (according to ASTM F2101-07): Bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE): ≥ 99.999989% (Staphylococcus aureus @ 30 l/min) - Study Lab486704A; Viral filtration efficiency (VFE): ≥ 99.99985% (Bacteriophage @ 30 l/min) - Study Lab486705A

For further details, prices and ordering information

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Bacterial Viral HEPA Filter at a Special Price

All information in this website has no contractual value. It concerns medical devices that can only be used by healthcare professionals. Unqualified operators/entities are not entitled to use such information. Deas does not respond to any technical or commercial information request arising from patients. Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product. Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.







